Today Mrs. Silvey came in to teach us how to crochet. It was
pretty tricky, but some of us worked on it for the whole meeting. We even took our hooks home to work on it during the
Some of the ladies in the church have been donating yarn for us, and some have been knitting
and crocheting squares for us. We're going to be making blankets to send to the people in Guatemala.

We also coloured pictures on some more fabric to make flannel blankets.

We talked about Remembrance Day, and made some special angels after hearing
a poem.
"Please wear a poppy," the lady said And held one forth, but I shook my head. Then I stopped
and watched as she offered them there, And her face was old and lined with care; But beneath the scars
the years had made There remained a smile that refused to fade.
A boy came whistling down the street, Bouncing along on care-free feet. His smile was full
of joy and fun, "Lady," said he, "may I have one?" When she'd pinned it on he turned to say,
"Why do we wear a poppy today?"
The lady smiled in her wistful way And answered, "This is Remembrance Day, And the poppy there
is the symbol for The gallant men who died in war. And because they did, you and I are free -
That's why we wear a poppy, you see."
"I had a boy about your size, With golden hair and big blue eyes. He loved to play and jump
and shout, Free as a bird he would race about. As the years went by he learned and grew and
became a man - as you will, too."
"He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile, But he'd seemed with us such a little while
When war broke out and he went away. I still remember his face that day When he smiled at me and said,
Goodbye, I'll be back soon, Mom, so please don't cry."
"But the war went on and he had to stay, And all I could do was wait and pray. His letters
told of the awful fight, (I can see it still in my dreams at night), With the tanks and guns and cruel
barbed wire, And the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire."
"Till at last, at last, the war was won - And that's why we wear a poppy son." The small boy
turned as if to go, Then said, "Thanks, lady, I'm glad to know. That sure did sound like an awful fight,
But your son - did he come back all right?"
A tear rolled down each faded check; She shook her head, but didn't speak. I slunk away in
a sort of shame, And if you were me you'd have done the same; For our thanks, in giving, if oft delayed,
Thought our freedom was bought - and thousands paid!
And so when we see a poppy worn, Let us reflect on the burden borne, By those who gave their
very all When asked to answer their country's call That we at home in peace might live. Then
wear a poppy! Remember - and give!
by Don Crawford

November 14

This afternoon we painted some "prayer rocks". When they are dry we
are going to write the names of people we'd like to pray for on them, and we'll keep them beside our beds.

Maryann helped us with our crocheting. We are very proud of
what we've done so far!!

We worked on lots of cards. Some of them were for Jacob, who has cancer,
and his brothers. Some were for a special woman who lost her home during Hurricane Katrina. Some were for Jim,
Shaina and Alexis' grandfather. We let the kids know that we could make cards for anyone that they felt needed them.

We made ourselves some cool bracelets out of wire. It was kind of
tricky, but we're a determined bunch!!

Our flannel blankets are now nicely decorated. Marcia is going to
sew some bright patterned flannel on the backs, and they'll be ready to go to Hands of Hope in Guatemala!!
Hands of Hope
Novemeber 21
Marcia told us about a letter she received from Baby Alicia's parents.
They loved the blanket and the cards that we sent them!! They are going to send us a picture of Alicia, who is doing
well after her heart transplant. It's always wonderful to hear updates!

Crocheting sure has become one of our favourite activities!!

We have started working on Christmas activities. Today we made paper
angels to include in cards that we send out.

As always, we worked on cards for some people who could use our thoughts
and prayers.

Sharing a special moment.
November 28
Marcia helps to runs an internet list called Hug A Bug. It's a group of people who support
Canadian children with cancer and other chronic or life threatening illnesses. The Tweens were introduced to the kids
during our first meeting, and have been making cards for them each week. You can find out more information on this group
Hug a Bug

We started making Christmas cards for the Hug a Bug kids. We'll be
working on this for a couple of weeks, so that all of the kids and their siblings will get several cards.
Emily was very proud of the card that she made with Sarah!

Some of the girls made foam snowmen to put in the cards.
Rhonda was busy sewing donated squares into a blanket.

We started making Christmas tree decorations. They are made with sequins
pinned to foam balls. We are each making one for our own tree, and one for the people who attend the Friday night community

Chrissy and Kathy worked on writing Christmas letters to the Hug a Bug kids.
They love getting mail!!