April 24
Every week we make cards to let people in need know
that we are praying for them. Today we talked about prayers, and about how and why we pray. We each got a cross
shaped prayer booklet, and we wrote some of our prayers down. We will keep them at home and add new prayers or write
down how our prayers have been answered.
We also learned that sometimes prayers aren't answered
the way we want them to be answered. We were very sad to learn that Ashley, someone we've been sending cards to since
September, lost her battle with cancer Saturday morning. We made special cards for Ashley's family. You
can read all about Ashley here...
We worked on squares for a couple of blankets we're
making. One is for an orphanage in Guatemala, and the other one is a comfort quilt for someone who is going through
cancer treatments right now.
We also made ourselves bookmarks. They say "Love
One Another".