January 9

Some of us worked on our crocheting, and some of us learned
how to piece the squares into blankets. We've had many squares donated to us, but we almost have them all sewn together.
Any more donations would be gladly accepted. Thanks!!

We decorated door knob hangers to send to the Hug
a Bug kids. We also made some for ourselves.

We made ourselves snowmen with lots of the cotton that
was donated to us.

We made birthday cards for some of the Hug a Bug kids.
We also made cards for some people who needed our prayers.

January 16

WOOHOO!! Our blankets are really coming together nicely!

This week we started making Valentine's Day cards. We'll
work on them for a few weeks.

Marcia gave us a simple sewing lesson, and Sarah helped.
We started making heart pillows. We will be sending them for the kids who are in the hospital on Valentine's Day.

Showing off our wonderful creations!
January 23
Blossom the Clown

Blossom the Clown came to entertain us this afternoon.
She taught us how to use pumps to blow up balloons, and then she showed us how to make things with them. First we made
a balloon that looked like the number 8. She told us a story about Jack and Jill, and we used the balloon for the actions.
After that we made the next part, and ended up with our own bees. She also had a few of us come up to help to make some
different balloon creations. We had such a great time!! Thanks, Blossom!!

January 30
Today we continued our heart pillow project. We are sewing polar fleece
hearts. We will be sending them, together with Valentine cards we're making, to the kids at the hospital. It's
not nice to have to spend any holiday in the hospital, so we're hoping that the soft pillows will make the kids feel a little
more comfortable!

We worked on some bracelets made with tiny beads. We
probably spent more time picking them up off of the carpet!! Next week we'll use bigger beads. :o)

We started a new project this week, and it's something we
will work on every few weeks. Our church makes up care packages for the people at The Porter Place Shelter. The
packages consist of toiletries, pens, pencils and note pads. We put together over 100 note pads this afternoon!
We cut paper into small pieces, and stapled together stacks of 10. When we were finished, we put them in the donation
basket by the front door.
If you would like to make donations of toiletries, pens, pencils or note pads,
please drop them in the basket. Thanks!
